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Recently had a new gearbox put in my G60 got it home and it felt luvvvvly.


Went to take it out in the evening as it was starting to get dark, I thought I would be sensible and flick the switch to turn my headlights on. All of a sudden I was greeted by the smell of electrical burning and a big cloud of smoke. NICE :shock:


I checked the car over by getting the fuse box out checking all the fuses which are intact. I then found the cause of the problem, the wire that run from the connection that comes through the bulk head had melted all the way up to the switch.


I have taken the switch out and had a look at it, and it seems fine. I traced the melted wire through to the headlight and guess what I found. The monkey at the garage must of taken my battery out to charge it and when we put it back in he had tightened the battery clamp up cutting through the wires for the passengerside headlamp. GIMP :mad:


I have since replaced the burnt out wires but only my sidelights work.


Does anyone know if the lights run through one of the relays and if so which one???


Muchos Gratias

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come on Henny, o fountain of C knowledge :)


The first person who can tell me which relay it is wins a choclate bar of their choice :lol:

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it's the black square one which stops the headlights working when it breaks... ;)

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it's the black square one which stops the headlights working when it breaks... ;)


My technical knowledge is not that good, but I kinda sussed that one for myself :wink:

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This has happened to all of my dubs so far, Mk1 and mk2 but when the mk2 did it it shafted the relay fuse board (have you ever seen inside one of those things :shock: ) first thing i do now is slap a fuse in that said wire. Its quite comon on mk2's


Sorry can't help on the exact relay, its some where in the middle.

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