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porsche rims

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hi ppl i have a set of deep dish 3 piece porsche split rims 7&8x16et25.. having just brought my first corrado which i pick up on sunday, i want to fit these wheels...

what size adapters will i need and will i have any clearance problems in the arches? also what size tyers should i fit to them?

thanks lee

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If the car is lowered on standard arches then the rears will catch on 8's.


you sure they're et25? My replica porsche wheels are et60, and with the hub adapter fitted they become et35.


An et25 wheel with a hub adapter is going to be around et0?? (Maybe I'm getting my et's mixed up here....)


I'm probably not the most qualified to answer... wait for someone who knows what they're talking about to answer!!

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