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My stock alarm is killing me

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I have a Problem like always, i have a top of the line viper alarm system in my car, but for some reason my stock alarm keeps going off i dont think it's cause of the viper because iv hade it for a year with no problem. and when my stock alarm goes off it stops aftetr a while but than it kicks the relay out there for soping the alarm but the car wont start unless i put the relay back in. what i'm getting at is Why is my stock alarm going off? :?:

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I have a Problem like always, i have a top of the line viper alarm system in my car, but for some reason my stock alarm keeps going off i dont think it's cause of the viper because iv hade it for a year with no problem. and when my stock alarm goes off it stops aftetr a while but than it kicks the relay out there for soping the alarm but the car wont start unless i put the relay back in. what i'm getting at is Why is my stock alarm going off? :?:


id remove the stock alarm. the viper may be using the battery and the stock alarm is picking up the current drop or something.

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Good call.... I'd have thought 2 alaram on 1 car would be bad anywax because they're bound to conflict at some point, or at least dry your battery up in double quick time....

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