catch_twotwo 0 Posted November 17, 2005 Well the documentation on my G60 is a little thin on the ground (or in German as it's a left hooker) So for the more experienced amongst you, please can you give me a little advice on the standard alarm and immobiliser on the 1990 G60. I have documentation for a later install of a Sigma M800 immobiliser, but I also have a different system using a rather beaten up control. It has no markings other than two triangle buttons (one grey one blue) and a triangle style logo (sort of like the star trek ensignia for some reason :lol: ) So.. is the control standard or some random edition. Whenever I press the buttons the controller flashes (and a LED in the car flashes) and does nothing at all..... so you can see my confusion :roll: If only it would open the car I'd be happy.... as I have a different key for each door right now.... >_ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites