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five stud conversion

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can any one help i have just done the five stud conversion but the tie rods for the rack are not long enough the mk3 ones are longer but my rack is old style as it has male threads on rack and not female like g60s/vr6 have i got to change my rack do you think to a g60 as mine is a 16v 1990

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How interesting. My 1990 16V has got female threads on the rack (original and I have the part number somewhere) I wonder if your rack has been changed at some time and may not be the right one? I'm sure someone with fully functional ETKA could identify for you if you gave them the chassis No.

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cheers chap i will try that i phoned steve at c&r and he was very puzzled by it but i am taking the rack off tomorrow to investergate

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sorted it people my rack was made in japan and was a very werid one just got a rack of a mate from a broken G60 swapped the ends to a mk3 golf and jobs done sweet now

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