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rs outlet

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yeah, I've bought a new rs outlet with fancy colors and bits, now how do I fit it? I guess I will have to remove the inlet hose, and the old one, but how do I do that? Where are the screws, what should I look out for, how do attach the new one and so forth?


one love, thanks in advance

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Fit RS-outlet kit:


Remove hose from black silencer box on Lader outlet.

Remove the black silencer box (this is tricky, as its held to the Lader with one screw right in the centre of the box, which is soooo well accessible... NOT!. Ultimately I split mine in 2 parts so I could more easily get to that centre-screw, as I wasn't planning on keeping that horrid box anyway :lol:


Remove box, attach the RS-outlet piece (through the aforementioned centre screw), then the blue Samco-hose (at least that's what I go in my kit from SLS in Germany), then the straight through metal pipe (reducer), to which you then re-attach the original hose removed in the first step. The kit should also include suitable jubilee clips to attach the Samco hose to the RS-outlet and reducer pipe.


As I'm at work at the moment, I can't take a picture, as that would clarify things.



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