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Traffic light camera

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Is there a right turn filter? I'm wondering if that was still on red, which might explain it.


No, you can only turn left or go straight on at the lights, there isn't a filter.


...but AFAIK, the cameras will only activate if you are actually crossing the line on a red light.


If this is the case, then something's seriously wrong! I would never drive through a red light.

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on the subject of speed camera's i was traveling along when i saw a camera, in stoke to be precise, i was well within the limit, the bloke next to me did not notice the camera, and sped up, it flashed him so he slowed down, then he must have got irate and thought F%^k it so sped up again, and guess what ...... it flashed him a second time!!!!!!


LOL porr B*stard

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Yeah I agree, you can go on an orange light if its changed from red, but if it amber changing from green, and you go thru it, the camera measures your speed to see if you could have stopped in time!


All the lights near me with cameras have trigger wires in the road (rear facing Truvelo rather than the front facing radar triggered GATSO), and they make the camera flash when the lights turn red and a car then crosses them, I've watched it happen many a time at a big interchange nr me. Sometimes we sit and guess if someones going to get flashed from watching when they cross the line and what the lights are showing, I've never seen them flash on amber at all.

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