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Central Locking, Windows & Full Closure not Working!

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just before christmas i had a problem occur where i went to crack the passenger window open and it opened by about 1 inch and then stopped.


i thought to my self, hmm.... i wonder if the driver's side is ok? i gave that a go and that window started to open but then it stopped about half way down!


basically at this point nothing went up and nothing went down, it was bloody freezing and driving around wasnt fun at all as you can imagine.


anyway, i managed to get the driver side window up by using some cable to bridge the connections but this didnt work for the passenger side so i had to gaffer tape that up!


had a mate look at it for me who had a funky little device that he connected directly to the battery and then the motor and the passenger window went up.


what we have figured out so far is the actuators are fine otherwise the windows wouldnt go up or down at all. there is some power to the window switches as i get a current when testing it with a test lamp and the lights on the switches also illuminate.


as well as the windows going funky the central locking also stopped working at the same time but the alarm and the immobiliser still arms as per usual.


basically this is as far as i have got and im now totally stuck as to what to do next?!


its doing my nut a bit as well as the car is de-locked and im having to lock the car manually and then climb in through the boot whenever i go shopping!


if you have any suggestions your reply's would be greatly appreciated!



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when you say its set on its own between two relay's do you mean the two bigger silver relays that are almost tucked up behind the dash above the main relay box?


will have to check that out!



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Thats the one mate. I lost central locking and leccy windows and it was just the fuse thank god! A cheap fix on a corrado for once :D

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