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Roger Blassberg

Water leak from oil cooler area

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I got to work yesterday, switched off the engine and the car was enveloped in steam with water pouring out of the area around the oil cooler water hose, towards the top where it joins the plastic pipe. The 2 oil cooler hoses were changed about 3 years ago so should (!!) be ok and I'm suspecting the plastic pipe. Water which I poured into the expansion tank just fell straight out again.


It looks to be a complete bar-steward to get at it.


Any tips/observations on accessing the relevant pipes/hoses? It seems to be obstructed by the radiator, fans and a/c heat exchanger.


Best wishes



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It's no consolation but you are right about the obstructions Roger. I'd recommend stripping the front off, and the rad, so you can get at the things properly. It'll only become a crisis trying to get in there if you don't.

The Waterpipe is 021121050C £14.51

The O Rings are N10139201 £1.49 ea (need 2)

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Sounds like hours (i.e. £££££££s) of work. I assume that it will be sensible to replace the sensor and thermostat housings at the same time during this full-frontal exposure.


This car is now getting beyond a joke. I still have rattling drive shafts, I still need the rear bushes changing and I still need to do the chains. Every time I think that I am making progress towards affording these things, something else crops up. My (older) Passat, with just as many miles on it , is a paragon of reliability compared to this money-pit.


Best wishes



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selbekk by spending lots of money at vag lol - see the KB on chains (note: am doing a bit of editing as odd pix missing & layout has gone a bit wonky)


RBsorry mate, but not so expensive if you diy, it's not hard, ditto above

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