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Speed Gun your neighbour

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Sounds mad - I've heard the rumour that not only can Mr White Van Man setup a speed trap for you, but now there is word that joe-bloggs will be able to "do thier bit to help society" by being given a speed trap gun.


Can you imagine the mayhem that would cause? People trying to find retrobution; its bad enough the static cameras get burnt. This is one bad idea. Can I video all the bad stuff otehr people do? (I'd run out of tape)


additional question below

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and the legal battles that would ensue. Cant see it becoming more than a way to pacify the more aggresive neighbourhood watch groups in surrey. A speed gun has to be calibrated before use to be accurate and legal. So what are they gonna do. send some plod round with a freshly calibrated gun with instructions, to oversee the massageing of some posh old duffers ego.


First one I see will be given a dry slap!

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Everybody up my street will be pointing at my house :lol:


But seriously, that's just a DUMB idea, like ZippyVR6 said, too much hassle with legal battles blah blah

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I would have the same reaction as ZippyVR6 -


However if it came to putting on school roads around the entrance or crossings, I would support to the end - but you can only imagine most of them getting in a 6am Sunday shift.

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I think its a shit idea, but...


I hate people screaming down the road outside my house (its a 30). Especcially the boy racers with the stupidly loud exhausts so i wouldn't mind busting a few of those twats!

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local community reps can check speeds in the local area.


Happens in my Mums village, however AFAIK there is no legal element which lumps you with a fine/points. You receive a formal letter from the plod. Although I think 3 of them and you may be in more bother.

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  Not_Aircooled_or_Taxfree said:
ZippyVR6, is a very wise man i have read amout the police having to calibrate the Black-hairdriers of speed before use. But instead of a dry slap i think something more painful like a claymore mine blast to the shin.



Why thank you, But im no wise man, Fik as pig schitt me. I just like to know my enemy.

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the whole idea sounds ridiculous! I know all my neighbours would buy them and permanently have them set up against my car! They all drive Zafiras and Rovers!

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  Lippy said:
local community reps can check speeds in the local area.


Happens in my Mums village, however AFAIK there is no legal element which lumps you with a fine/points. You receive a formal letter from the plod. Although I think 3 of them and you may be in more bother.


They do this down our road. A 40 that was constantly broken. However the local representative gets out there in his bright high visibility jacket and stands there with clipboard, next to this huge board that displays your speed - everyone slows down for it. So when I asked him the speeds, he said they were all below 40. Madness. Then i've noticed in the winter people drive at 25 to 30 in this road, then summer it speeds upto about 45-50 - odd.


I fully support low speed limits and keeping to it; speed cameras by schools is a fine idea.


More Plods on the roads are the only solution to BAD driving. I swear standards of driving are getting worse; too often its the case Im behind someone, wall back, and notice they're wondering over the white line etc, until a lorry comes the other way. Women in MPV's - oh dont get me started, thats another topic.


  DEL VR6 said:
the whole idea sounds ridiculous! I know all my neighbours would buy them and permanently have them set up against my car! They all drive Zafiras and Rovers!

And wear flat caps :lol:

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More Plods on the roads are the only solution to BAD driving.



Naaaa.......... Driving test every 5 years.......



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That would get rid of , lets say, 30% of bad drivers.


Then another 35% knowingly drive badly (and suddenly improve when they see plod) and would up thier standard just for the test and then go back to bad ways.


Then the last 35% dont even have a licence !!

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On the topic of Speed Cameras:


Is a speedcamera van allowed to park on the verge of a duel-carriageway that has those little 'No stopping' signs (red circle and cross with blue background) to carry out his work?


I was on my way home doing 50-ish in the 50 when a jag wapped past at about 100, and it seemed to flash after he had gone.

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