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devil fish

Boot space on a corrado

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Hello fella's, I am thinking of buying a Corrado (damn good looking car) to replace my mk1 mr2, simply because I'm fed up of having to put a bike rack on it, not too mention it's 22years old and showing it's age a bit. Anyway I'm a keen mountain biker and really require a car you can just chuck a bike in the back of. So why a corrado, well it's a seriously nice looking motor, and pretty fast, handles well and I don't really want to get anything hateful like a mondeo et al!


So, does anyone know if an adult sized mountain bike will fit in the back of a Corrado???(obviously with the rear seats folded down)


thanks in advance to anyone who can answer!


all the best


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I've done it a few times without much trouble....had to remove the front wheel first though!


Welcome to the forum btw :wink:

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I take both wheels off mine as otherwise it seems to push against things and leave muddy crud everwhere, but it can be done. But AFIK you cant put a bike rack on a Rado caus of the spoiler.

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Thanks for the speedy response guys! Excellent, a Corrado it is then! :D


Forgot to mention, I used to own a scirocco until the brakes failed on me.


Going for the 1.8 16V, if you know of any in excellent condition/low mileage, let me know!!


thanks again, much appreciated.



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:D ...I have one of each now!!


The boot on the rado is slightly larger and deeper than the Scirocco...so if you can get your bike into the rocco, you should have no prob in the Corrado!

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Was genuinely gutted when I wrote off the scirocco (3 years ago, (bloody VW leaving the master cylinder on the left hand side of the car)), is a great looking car and is to date the most reliable car I've driven. My rocco was an absolute minter :cry: . What initially made me think of getting a Corrado.



all the best


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