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Toad alarm - Cold weather problems

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Ok, just had this installed in December, and now whenever I leave my car out overnight the alarm won't turn off in the morning using the remote.


I have to add that it's left out in Austria in about -15 degrees.... however when it's stored in a garage it works fine. Also when I open the car with the key and turn the alarm off using the emergency button (and access code) it disables fine.


Abnybody got an operating temp for the Toad A101 unit ?

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Ok, looks like the problem was a red herring.


As right now the car is garaged most of the time I thought it only failed when I was outside and the weather was cold (It's cold most of the time here right now)


So, it seems the only place I have my car when it's outside is at my Girlfriends place in Austria.... where her parents own a petrol station (no discounts for me though :cry: ) Seems something there inteferes as it works everywhere else but there.


Very strange... anybody know what frequency the Toad runs on and if it's changeable :?:

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