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RR day at janspeed! Bl**dy typical!!!

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well, just got back from a rr day at janspeed in salisbury with my mate off the clio sport forum! im always too late for the vw ones.


anyway there were 30 cars in all, a lot of the same clios, 172, 182 cup etc with 3 nice 1.8 16v's and a 1.8t! and then us few stragglers with my c, a v6 fto, scooby, almera gti, 206 gti 180, a civic type r and 1.8 vtec?


From the results there was hardly any difference between the 172 and 182's. both sounded nice with similar figures. the 16v's were pretty good, with one at 115 at the wheels with only an exhaust mod. v6 fto was around 160 at the wheels, almera 122 atw, civic type r 180 atw and 1.8 the same and the 1.8 t similar figures too! but the scooby had the most of the day with 280 atw! sounded awesome!


Anyway as usual someone had to break down, thus stepped up the C! everyone commented on the looks and how it sounded which was nice and i was proud to see it going on the rollers, i said im only expecting around the standard power what with my mods.


the runs went ok, the guy revved evryones car to the limit except mine as it was a bit old he said so just went to 6k instead! (what about the 1.8 16v's)


I got 126.50 bhp atw and 131.68 lbs/ft torque!


anyone think this is low for the mods? working on the other results it was estimated that there was a loss of 20%. would have secretly hoped for a bit more but was all happy, untill!!!!!


as the car was running down a twang went and then a banging sound! they stopped the engine and saw the belt had ripped and was banging against the alternater cover! it turns out the belt tensioner pulley bearing had gone so the pulley was wobbling but also had dug into the belt causing it to rip the edge thread! i had to be pushed out of the garage in front of everyone and janspeed put it in there workshop! where its had to stay and i had to get a lift home!!! in a clio! i couldn't believe it a clio rr day and my c breaks down!!! there was of course one or two clio problems but nothing serious.


Of all the times my c could have let me down! so now janspeed will fix it and ive got to collect it later in the week somehow, and im off to portugal next week so im absolutley skint :( im now depressed and randomly i now want an audi s2! just to make the c jealous!


At least if i get a chip and pulley ill be able to see what difference it made if i make it through another rr day!


hers a pic of the damage (not too clear) and a vid of my run but its off my phone so its a bit poor quality

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Well, 126.5bhp at the wheels is probably a bit low considering the mods but it's not *that* bad. Feel sorry for those of us with hardly any more at the flywheel!

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thats a bit of bad darts mate, what with the belt / tensioner going t*ts up, at least it didnt happen on the way home though, i suppose you could say you were in the right place in a way. dont let it get ya down mate - you`ll be laughing about this before long :)

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cheers, try and look on the bright side i guess, your right gaz it was better for it to happen there than on the dual carriageway!


A few people don't really rate exhausts as giving an increase in power so i may have been a bit optimistic in hoping for a gain! as for the decat and charger, i think these will complement other mods a lot better like if i get a chip and pulley. all the mods will work better with each other! i hope. at the mo theres still the restrictions on air flow etc so hopefully ill see bigger gains when its chipped etc rather than just a chip and pulley with out the existing work! we'll have to see!

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