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Off topic- Krazy Kops

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Got to get this off my chest- 10 police employed on local "speed" traps.

On Monday this week there were 10 (yes 10) cops "employed" locally at one location cracking down on hardcore criminals (ie motorists) doing slightly more than 30 mph, luckily I was not one of those caught but surely there are more pressing things for them to attend to?

Last night I watched crimewatch- perv bloke hitting a girl repeatedly with a lump hammer & mucho other violence.

The previous night (Sunday) a student was struck twice in a local Pub by a bloke with a machete.

Read in the national paper about a kid getting killed by a moron with no licence, insurance etc & he gets 12 weeks, all this stuff makes me want to weep.

As I see it the sentence has to fit the crime & the police need to wake up & their resources be used more sensibly.

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I couldn't agree more.


Obviously its impossible for the police to engage in 'pre-emptive policing' but I just feel the punishment for the crimes that people do need to be harder and they need to stop victimising the motorist and get out there to get a grip of the real crooks.

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.....it`s all to do with stupid clear up rates and stastics, what a better way to bump their figures up by catching a "crime" before it happens - all you got to do is sit and hide and wait for the sitting duck motorist, the trouble with all sorts of other crime is that it takes time, effort and money to investigate and it isnt truly represented on the balance sheets when you compare £ to crime solved, ie best of 1/2 million on say a drug/murder crime with 1 conviction whereas it`s a days pay per cop with several convictions - just a case of picking on the soft underbelly of detection to offset the unsolved and expensive stuff, with reference to that c*nt that killed that little girl with a car, as far as i`m concerned he should have been strung up by his bollerks

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Our Police force are nothing but glorified Tax collectors these days. Sure they will investigate high profile crimes, but us little people get very little support if we have problems.


If you're a hard working, tax paying, law abiding citizen then chances are you're easy prey for Stealth tax collectors if you step out of line for henous offences such as speeding. Career criminals have it relativley easy these days because everything has been put inplace to protect their human rights, i.e if they cut themselves breaking into your house, chances are they can sue you!! How screwed up is that.


You just gotta laugh really...

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Thanks for the comments guys, I realize the police have a tough job to do, but I feel that they are becoming more & more alienated 0X from the majority of generally decent folk & losing touch with our idea of reality which is a great shame for us & them. :lcop:

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Take a look at our local police station....




.... Beaut isnt it?


Some of you will know that Frome is the smallest town in the world and this is prob the biggest building in it.


And here's the best bit! It's only open 9-5 and about 9-1 on friday. shut all weekend! I went up once for a producer in my lunch hour and they kicked me out and locked the door cause they were on lunch!


There cant be more than 10-15 people in there at a time. It also has a bar and skittle alley.


I am so glad as a tax payer that my money is being spent wisely. :mad:

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