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cooling problem

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hi am wondering if anyone of u can help me

i have a 16v 91 corrado when i drive it and stop the coolant bottle overfills sometimes and comes out but doesnt overheat but the light comes on dash from bottle sensor was wonderin if common problem for over pressurisin system ie problem with block or poss water pump on way out or headgasket which it proberly is. :( i think the thermo has been taken out as temp gauge is low when drivin

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these are the possibilities.....


blown headgasket

cracked cylinder head

cracked cylinder block

Faulty expansion tank cap

Faulty thermostat

or air lock in the cooling system somewhere


I've found that a common reason for the temp guage to read low is because the two wires to the two coolent sensors are connected the wrong way round.


However.....from what you describe.....may well be headgasket failure

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