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16v Vacuum diagram??

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I cleaned the air filter today (and changed the oil but I don't see how it could be that) and now the car won't start!!


I think I may have pulled on the vacuum lines as I moved the airbox dislodging something important but I have no idea what should connect to where on the vacuum system. Does anyone have a diagram so I can replace the whole lot so it's all airtight again?


The engine starts and runs for a second before stalling like it's run out of fuel. I'm guessing this is a vacuum problem as I can't think of anything else I've done to it today!


Anyone have any ideas??!

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Aww go on!! Give you something productive to do with all that time you spend polishing!!!

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Could you explain?


Next to the metal of the inlet manifold, on the first elbow of rubber there's 2 rubber hoses coming off, but they don't connect to anything.

There's another hose attached to the bottom of the air filter housing that moves the thing inside the airbox so when it's cold it gets the warm air off the exhaust.

There's also a pipe next to the airbox with a sensor/clip attached to it.


Do you know how these should be wired up?


There's only one plastic tube that comes round from the back of the engine to connect all this lot up to...????

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