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Insurance: given me a rubbish offer: Finally resolved.

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Just called me back and they said 2275 was their final and only offer.


I think it's time to write to the complaints manager.

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I'm really terrible on telephones :(


I have no idea why, but my brain goes blank and I never say what I want to.


I think I'll write in to "the quality manager"

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DONT accept that offer. Its a complete crock of crap and they know it. Fight for this and don't let them get away with it.

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I wasn't going to, but should I continue with my claims administrator, or go to the "quality manager"


She said she was paying "top book value"

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don't forget to mention the "insurance ombudsman" when you phone to complain about their crap offer... The paperwork and man-hours that getting themselves involved going through proceedings with them costs a fortune, so they often back down once you threaten 'em that way as it's cheaper to pay you off then to deal with the paperwork! ;)

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don't forget to mention the "insurance ombudsman" when you phone to complain about their crap offer... The paperwork and man-hours that getting themselves involved going through proceedings with them costs a fortune, so they often back down once you threaten 'em that way as it's cheaper to pay you off then to deal with the paperwork! ;)


Cheers, I think I'll write rather than phone, but this is the first draft of my next letter


Further to our conversation earlier today, it seems that your offer for the Corrado is different from what I believe it to be worth. I am declining this offer. I am certain that my car is worth much more than that.


I have looked at the financial ombudsman’s website and it suggests that I any disagreement should be taken up with your complaints department. Would I be best writing to the Quality Manager at Bell before I take it outside your company.


Please could you get back to me as soon as possible, as this claim has been ongoing for over 2 months now.

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Everytime a complaint goes to the ombudsman, the insurance company gets billed direcectly - irrespective of how the complaint is resolved! For a big company (like the one I work for) that is a minimum of £400 per complaint.


You do have to exhaust the company's own complaints proceedure first, before this becomes an option though.


Remember the principle of indemnity - the insurer must put you back into the same (financial) position you were in prior to the insured event occuring. Give a detailed explainantion in your letter as to why their offer in no way complies with this principle. Include autotrader evidence and copies of all reciepts. Good Luck!

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They are going to send an independent assessor to look at the car, hopefully they will be more realistic.

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Have just read all the 3 pages of this thread.


From our experience, you really need to convince the independent assessor when he/she comes round.


Be nice to them, and dont let them think you are being soppy / sentimental.


You need to convince them that the car is genuinely worth the amount you are saying it is worth, not just worth that to you, but worth that overall. Dont go OTT pointing out little things like rust repairs etc. Point out the overall fantastic condition, the good service history and things like the mileage etc.


A car like this cant be valued like a normal 4 or 5 year mondeo or vauxhall vectra.


Hopefully the assessor will see things your way - and the correct way, and tell the insurers to change the offer accordingly. Fingers crossed for you mate.

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It seems that they ALREADY had an independent assessment of £3,000.00. So why when they have that would they send me a lower offer?


Still not happy with 3k, shall I ask for a copy of the report?

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that seems like cack to me m8, Ive just been offered £2300 as first offer for me 91 G60 with 170K on the clock!!

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Just got a phonecall now, they are sending me another grand, so I'm pretty happy with £4,000 as an outcome, car cost me £400 to buy back, and £350 excess.

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That's good news mate! Reckon it was the professional manner of your correspondence? ;)


Mine's a pint :lol:

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glad you it got sorted mate good payout also, i'm having trouble at the moment, as they cant find my old car??? they have had the £320 of me for the car though. :x

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They never took my car, so it was pretty easy to get mine back.


That's a bit of a crapper tho, them losing the car, reckon some scrappy had it?

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