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Reducing The Front Valance

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Some of the humps i have to negoitiate in maidstone and aylesford are ridiculous.


I was under the impression that all speed humps had to be a certain size and profile according to some regulation or other, mind you it would mean looking like a complete chimp with a tape measure to get one changed :wink: :roll:





It will be appropriate to vary the height of the hump, in accordance with: circumstances of the location (e.g. strategic route or residential); speed reduction required (mean "between hump" speeds of about 30mph, or 20mph); and the type of the road hump feature. Table 1 indicates general height dimensions for road types in accordance with approximate "between humps" mean speeds. Spacing between humps will also affect speed between humps: the lower the height the smaller the spacing to achieve suitable speed reductions. Ramp gradients may also influence mean "between hump" speeds. "Thumps" in excess of 50mm high may cause considerable discomfort to vehicle occupants and are not recommended.


Kerb to kerb flat top humps, of whatever type, cannot generally be laid to footway level without the kerbs being "dropped". Standard kerb heights between 125mm to 150mm high would exceed the prescribed 100mm height for road humps.



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