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Car won't start - imobiliser?

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I forgot to turn off the headlights the other day, and when I found out the battery was already completely flat. I therefore took out the battery and charged it with a battery charger till it was fully charged again.


After replacing the battery, the car won't start. The VDO imobiliser usually blinks until I put the little key in it. After that it usually shines red and the car can be started. Now it's always blinking, and nothing happens when I put the little key in.


What to do?

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It's a VDO Immobiliser 2000 T. I found a little brochure in the glove compartment, but it's german only.


I tried to jump start the starter. The engine turned over, but didn't start.


In the brochure it says the following:


Die notbedienung wird durch kurzes einschalten der

zündung eingeleitet. Die LED blinkt anschließend mit

langer leuchtdauer. Führen sie innerhalb von 30 sekunden

den code schlüssels aus der bedieneinheit ist die wegfahrsperre entschärft.

Innerhalb von 30 sekunden kann das fahrzeug gestartet werden.




Bei einem spannungsverlust wird nach wiederanlegen der versorgungsspannung,

der vor spannungsverlust aktive zustand des immmobiliser wiederhergestellt.


I'd guess those things have something to do with my problem, but I can't understand it.

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The emergency operation will switch on for that by short ignition introduced. The LED flashes afterwards long illuminated period. Lead they within 30 seconds the code of key from the control unit is go away-closes defused. Within 30 seconds the vehicle can be started.




With a spannungsverlust after to reinvest supply voltage, restored before spannungsverlust the active was entitled more immmobiliser.

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You just ran I through a translator, didn't you? ;)


I tried that too, but it really didn't make that much sense to me.

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i'll pass it onto one of my german speaking friends tonight mate :)

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