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Cambridge Autogleam vs Ferrari 599 GTO pg38

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SRP.. super resin polish.. in the red bottle. i wouldnt have described it like you did. and what is AGR?


What i learnt from AG headoffice and what i believe to be true from using the products is..


Super resin polish = Radiant Wax (trade name) - An acrylic sealant with a mild cutting agent and high amounts of fillers. Low duability


Extra Gloss Protection = Liquid Hard Wax (trade name) - no cutting or cleaning agents. Technically a sealant with some wax properties. Not a natural wax, although when layered leaves a very nice clear finish.


Paint Renovator (violet colour retail green colour trade) - Medium cutting with machine or hand


then the body shop range.. i use 03B - high cutting compound.


The newest one is Ultra Deep Shine (black retail bottle) but i havent used it yet and dont know much about it apart from conrad at AG said it containes no cutting agents?!?!


Im confussed by your description of SRP. i'll ask the AG rep when i see him next

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Sorry, my fault, Radiant - in the yellow tin.

Super Resin polish (srp) in the red......these are the two that are different lol.

yep 03b's the one i like.


Ultra deep shine is actually quite impressive, a must on dark coloured cars but time consuming, difficult applying, taking off process., so good luck when you do try it.


The newest one is Ultra Deep Shine (black retail bottle) but i havent used it yet and dont know much about it apart from conrad at AG said it containes no cutting agents?!?!


Im confussed by your description of SRP. i'll ask the AG rep when i see him next

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Sorry, my fault, Radiant - in the yellow tin.

Super Resin polish (srp) in the red......these are the two that are different lol.

yep 03b's the one i like.


you still say Radiant and SRP are different. I still dont agree... i was told and from what i remember of retail SRP they are the same. I will buy some SRP from a store to compare with my radiant though. BUt im 90% sure they are the same product

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And learn how to use quotes too! :)


I've gone done the Megs & Mezerna route this time. Although I do have autoglym stuff still.


Be interesting to see the differences between the AG & Megs etc.

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Sorry, my fault, Radiant - in the yellow tin.

Super Resin polish (srp) in the red......these are the two that are different lol.

yep 03b's the one i like.


you still say Radiant and SRP are different. I still dont agree... i was told and from what i remember of retail SRP they are the same. I will buy some SRP from a store to compare with my radiant though. BUt im 90% sure they are the same product


Thats why they have different names - but anyway, go test them mate.

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Sorry, my fault, Radiant - in the yellow tin.

Super Resin polish (srp) in the red......these are the two that are different lol.

yep 03b's the one i like.


you still say Radiant and SRP are different. I still dont agree... i was told and from what i remember of retail SRP they are the same. I will buy some SRP from a store to compare with my radiant though. BUt im 90% sure they are the same product


You know best mate! let me know when youve tried it.

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hmm. on a different matter i have just seen these pics are a bit large on a normal 1024x768 setting. I haddnt noticed before as i use 1280x800 on my laptop and i think 1280x1024 on my desktop. I'll make them smaller tonight for everyone else though... sorry.

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Some excellent work you have done there Jedi :thumbleft:

TFR(traffic film remover) what do you use as that?

Just bought myself a Porter cable 7424 D/A just to save myself from some arm and shoulder ache.......and of course to get a better finish.

I will have to look and se if there is any learning courses i can get myself onto up here in Scotland as the more you read in the polishing forums the more i get scared of using it.

Gettig the right rotation speed/mop and polish combination seams to be the first thing i need to learn.

Travel speed with the Unit is another thing...lol.

I have bought myself some of the Blackfire range for polishing with and i am using the Jeffs Carnauba Jett for my final wax.


You will have to take a pic of the inside of you van as i have often wondered about what sort of cleaning set up you guys have to lump about with all the time.

It must be like driving a Fire engine with all that water containers onboard...lol.

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TFR(traffic film remover) what do you use as that?


I use Autoglyms PM3 TFR. I mix it anything from 10:1 to 1:1 depending on how bad the car is and what other work im carrying out. Too strong and it will take off wax and if im not doing a big re wax job i dont want to take any previous protection off.



I will have to look and se if there is any learning courses i can get myself onto up here in Scotland as the more you read in the polishing forums the more i get scared of using it.

Gettig the right rotation speed/mop and polish combination seams to be the first thing i need to learn.

Travel speed with the Unit is another thing...lol.


Not much you can do wrong with the PC baring throwing it at the car. Its a pretty safe tool.


You will have to take a pic of the inside of you van as i have often wondered about what sort of cleaning set up you guys have to lump about with all the time.

It must be like driving a Fire engine with all that water containers onboard...lol.


Yeah i'll take a pic at some point. Its pretty full.


600L of water

Honda Generator


Petrol Pressure washer

Machine Polisher

Freestanding spot lights

Soon to have a full size wet weather canopy in there too

Then all the chemicals, polishes, brushes, cloths etc.


Its pretty full and drives more like a boat than a fire engine.

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A friends P reg MGF. Pretty dirty with some light - mild swirling







The process:


Full wash down with AG products

Machine polish with menzerna Final Finish 106 on a megs polishing pad

Layer of AG Super Resin Polish

Washed again

Stoped about 8:30pm





The lights came in pretty handy


The rest of the process was:


Wash again

Clean glass in and out and dress rubber

Apply Megs #7 glaze

Apply Collinite 476s

Clean interior.


After shots










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How much paint did you take off? Or did you not take any readings?


Hopefully getting my gauge pretty soon.


I sometimes prefer flat colours to metallics cause they look so good after they're done right.


Nice! :)

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I did take readings. The front must have had a respray as it was reading over 200nm. The rest of the car was around the 150nm mark.


Readings after were very similar prob only a max of 5nm if that. The Final Finish is a very light abrasive

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Ok so back at my friends today doing his 911 again... and he has been a very good boy, no fairy liquid, neat alcohol, washing up scrubbers or sponges have been near the car since i last did it. He has washed it a couple of times but promised he rinsed it down first.


So first to clean wheels and TFR the whole car to remove muck and old wax.. then onto the shampoo... and who says Autoglym shampoo doesnt foam up??




Pleanty of suds as far as i can see :thumb:




Then onto the clay, Megs clay with quick detailer. Not very dirty actually, was quite surprised actually. Washed it again and then dried with a megs water magnet.. which i was very impressed with for the first time i used it.


Anyway.... then i used megs #7 show car glaze followed by 2 layers of collinite 476s via the spit shine method.


Then..... it rained.










(ok some was artificial rain)


Then.. it dried up again and i took it down the road for some pics








This is the same procedure as im offering to forum members.



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yeah, it must have got a little wet in there when i was doing the sills. The second i got in and started it it just steamed straight up.


tis the joys of the aircooled 911.........mine does the same everytime i wash it

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every time i've used autoglym shampoo its not been very foamy, must be doing something wrong this end.


i went to get one of those wash mitts, they only had cheap ones left so i got it, it was crap, like having a soggy sock on the end of your arm, must of been due to the cheapness.


i used a sponge in the end *ducks* lol


a lambs wool megs wash mitt you say? i'll have to order one

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*top tip*


2 caps of autoglym shampoo in a 5L bucket

Half fill with hose

Put pressure washer head in water and blast to give nice bubbles


As for the wash mit... yes it does feel a bit odd at first but its safer for the car and i actually prefer it now.

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I find you can get in all the various contours of the car better because you can feel it.


Definately much better.

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Evening. Just had a really long day doing this...





Washed in my usual way.


AG wheel cleaner

AG TFR whole car

AG Shampoo nice and frothy with warm water today :thumb:

Dried with my new sonus Der Wunder drying towel


Then into the garage...


Car was then clayed... again.. not very dirty. Even though i machined this car a few months ago there was some hazeyness and slight swirls, possibly from where the owner wiped it down a few times??? not too sure.. seems i spend half my life chasing swirls these days!


Anyway... my all time favorite product Autoglym Super Resin Polish sorted any odd marks out and left an amazing finish. This product is really under-rated. Yes it leaves dust but just brush or wash it off after.


This is a pic after just the SRP




SRP is so good infact that i found it hard to see much difference when i applied megs #7 glaze. i think im gonna have to move onto Zymol HD Cleanse to see if it gives a better shine than the megs #7 or even the SRP.


anyway... while i was taking some reflection shots after the #7 the owners friend showed up in.... another Aston Martin.







After chatting with the Vantage V8 owner and setting a date to go and sort his car out and also giving it a quick wash i got back to the db9.


2 layers of collinite 476s were applied and then i wheeled it back outside for another wash down and some beading shots.







Some tyre and arch dressing and window polish and a few pics before back into the garage.







The onto the interior. Vacuum, leather wipe down and then leather feed.


Final shots including a great reflection.








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