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Jim's Corrado - ciao to the Fiat! Hello to.. (P64)

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No wonder its not finished.. no spoke to Dave short of parts...


Youve got to remember that Dave and Graham want the car to be perfect when it leaves if it takes more time to finish so be it, i would rather it be right first time than keep taking it back, im itching to get my raddo back though

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No wonder its not finished.. no spoke to Dave short of parts...


Youve got to remember that Dave and Graham want the car to be perfect when it leaves if it takes more time to finish so be it, i would rather it be right first time than keep taking it back, im itching to get my raddo back though


Ditto that. You don't want a charger install rushed. Mine's been off the road for aaaages, but I'm not pressuring to get it back.


Good news on the valver Jim! You seem to have a bullet-proof one there. But I'm thinking if you rarely drive it, is it worth spending the money on insurance, tax etc when you could sell it and maybe treat yourself to a Schrick or some cams with the profit?

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As much as it pains me to say it, been coming to the same conclusion now after thinking about it over the last month or so. Will see what happens.

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Dave and Graham got stuck into the 16V today and basically found a few oil leaks from a variety of locations. A crank case breather at the front is leaking, seals around the dizzy are leaking and also the sump nut wasn't quite tightened up enough and was causing a leak (that was my fault... this is why I don't do spannering on my own car!).


The heavy power steering has been investigated too and the guys reckon it's just the pump is old and not pumping as well as it should. So it's getting treated to:


New crank case breather thingy and seals, a brand new dizzy (at £66+VAT, might as well do!) and a new P/S pump from ECP. I like to go for VAG stuff as much as possible but a VW one was £500 :eek: but an ECP one was £75 on exchange. I can live with that.


Given these jobs and the bill I think I'll hang onto the old girl for a bit longer. Not much point in spending probably half the price it's worth on maintenance plus taxing it, to then go on and sell it.


So hopefully will put the VR aside and get this along to some of the shows again this year :)

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New crank case breather thingy and seals, a brand new dizzy (at £66+VAT, might as well do!) and a new P/S pump from ECP. I like to go for VAG stuff as much as possible but a VW one was £500 :eek: but an ECP one was £75 on exchange. I can live with that.



PAS pump from VW is £128.50 exchange mate - 6K0422154X

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Confusing.... are you sure that's the right one? I'll email that through to Dave..

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best of luck getting it sorted pal.


just spoke to Dave a few minutes ago and he's there underneath it with your new PAS pump itching to go! :D

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Ooh... exciting stuff :) Good to hear they've got the PAS pump. Wonder if the dizzy and other bits have come through yet? :)

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Got the valver home after a trip up to DG today. Nice new shiny dizzy fitted, block not covered with oil.. that's a bit more like it :)


Then to my disappointment, realised the VR's MOT expires in 9 days. FFS. Despite thinking to myself I should keep the valver having just splashed the better part of £500 on it including tax, almost resolved in my mind that running two of these just isn't feasible.

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Glad your happy with the car being back...but can't help you with this decision one for you to decide...

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Car looked good mate - was helping Dave for 15 minutes whilst he was tinkering with the map :) Very nearly finished ;)


Concerned for the MOT on the VR as there is something loose on the passenger side at the front when I'm going over uneven bits of road, etc. Dave and Graham think it could be a drop link or something similar. Time could slightly be against me to get it sorted out :(

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Then to my disappointment, realised the VR's MOT expires in 9 days. FFS. Despite thinking to myself I should keep the valver having just splashed the better part of £500 on it including tax, almost resolved in my mind that running two of these just isn't feasible.


:lol: you know it makes sense! but yeah i know exactly what you mean.

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Car looked good mate - was helping Dave for 15 minutes whilst he was tinkering with the map :) Very nearly finished ;)


Concerned for the MOT on the VR as there is something loose on the passenger side at the front when I'm going over uneven bits of road, etc. Dave and Graham think it could be a drop link or something similar. Time could slightly be against me to get it sorted out :(


Lol can't wait to drive it again.....


Hmm 9 days ain't far away more money so can understand why your thinking...

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Hm. I knew the paint on the bonnet was really past its best but didn't expect what happened today. Was trying to tackle a particularly gnarly piece of bird shoite that had welded itself to the paint and took the jetwash to affected area - and proceeded to jetwash about an inch or two's length of paint straight off the leading edge! :gag: Now it's just primer!


Think a repainted bonnet might have to be in this cars future!

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not a fan of jet/pressure washers but I guess something must have been up with the paint if it came away that easily, perhaps it was never bonded to the primer properly at all, my bumper on my 16v is like that, rushed paint job in the past I think.

Give me a month or two to hone my spraying skills :)

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Well the bonnet has always been a problem. Paint is just utterly shagged on it but from the right angles you couldn't tell.... that's pretty much nailed it now though!


Ah - getting some painting skills are you Dave? Would gladly be up for sorting you out some pennies for a little respray job on the bonnet :) The bonnet itself is a bit past it's best (rot on the underside) but think it'd be easier to just paint this one still rather than source another..

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Bad news about that paint mate...had similar on an old car. My mate who paints cars has a real hang-up with bird turd. He says you have got to clean it off asap cos it can damage paint especially if it is not factory paint from a repair or respray.

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Yeah. I have a real problem with it too.. my driveway runs alongside the house and birds perch on the side of the house and just RAIN shit down on any car on the drive. The valver had been on the drive from Thursday evening until when I drove it off the drive to clean it this morning and there were literally about 20 different turds on there. Hence why she lives under a car cover 95% of the time.. only way to protect it!


Need to find some way of keeping birds off the roof as it's driving me crazy. Does putting a plastic owl / bird of prey in a nearby location work? :)

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Yeah. I have a real problem with it too.. my driveway runs alongside the house and birds perch on the side of the house and just RAIN **** down on any car on the drive. The valver had been on the drive from Thursday evening until when I drove it off the drive to clean it this morning and there were literally about 20 different turds on there. Hence why she lives under a car cover 95% of the time.. only way to protect it!


Need to find some way of keeping birds off the roof as it's driving me crazy. Does putting a plastic owl / bird of prey in a nearby location work? :)


Could you put some netting on the gutters or wherever they perch?

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Seriously looking into some "anti roosting" spike strips as it's just ridiculous the amount of crap that rains down :( Problem is they also roost on the aerial which overhangs the drive too.. and I think the guy we got in to fit the aerial worked for NASA or something, as it's huge and so far up on some industrial piece of pole, there's no way in hell I want to be going up there on a ladder!


Think we might need to get a guy in to do some fitting of said spike strips!

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Hm. I knew the paint on the bonnet was really past its best but didn't expect what happened today. Was trying to tackle a particularly gnarly piece of bird shoite that had welded itself to the paint and took the jetwash to affected area - and proceeded to jetwash about an inch or two's length of paint straight off the leading edge! :gag: Now it's just primer!


Think a repainted bonnet might have to be in this cars future!


:shock: Bugger! Gutting when stuff like that happens :( If you need a good straight bonnet, we've still got the one off the breaker, which is in great condition. Wouldn't want a lot for it ;)


Re: VR knocking- are all the caliper bolts present and tight? Otherwise I guess droplinks, top mounts etc.

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I have a bird scarer on the farm hardly been used! oh wait I think you might not sleep or the neighbours ten blocks away..... BANG :lol:


Always the scare crow?Also aparently birds cant pass wind so if you lay out some bicarbonate of soda then if they eat it then they should explode...

There is one thing we have used in the sheds its a fake bird of prey such as an eagle, hang it by wire from the ceiling and the wind moves it around a bit, sometimes it scares them off.


Lots of helpfull ideas for you! 8)

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S'ok.. have found the answer. These are really inexpensive and will do the job. Though I think I'll get someone out to do them as I don't fancy shimmying up and down a ladder myself!



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