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hi after a set of roof moldings as the rubbers on mine our perished and falling to bits .does anybody no where i could get a new set.?????

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I know that they´re available somewhere in UK...

Don´t know exactly, though they´re really expensive if i remember correctly!

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after a set of roof moldings as the rubbers on mine our perished



i`m sure i`m right in saying they are still available from vw, i cant remembre the exact price but they arent cheap

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They are available from VW for £50ish each side I think. Check with dub envy as he just bought some.

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Try VAGparts in Swindon, genuine items and they are about £35 each.

Top blokes too, really friendly bunch. Ive actually ordered a set which im going to pick up as they are a bad one to post!


If you end up ordering some im happy to grab them for you and drop off at the next mutual show this summer if your going to any.

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http://www.gpcvwaudi.com also do 'em at a good price... 8)


I wouldnt use them even if they sold the trims for a tenner.


Is that cos they are rude on the phone? or cos thier printed prices are ALWAYS wrong? or cos they rip you off on postage? or cos they sometimes dont ansa the phones at all? (the list goes on...)


I wouldnt either. I think of them as VW stealers bandit cousins.

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Being told to "fu ck off" and being hung up on could qualify as being rude on the phone.


I was trying to return some GTI Golf arches that had been delivered SEVEN weeks late. But because they were 'special order' they told me I couldnt. In the time it took them to send them to me, my Golf had been to the bodyshop for a full respray and I decided to go trimless (beacuase I didnt have the trim to send with the car!!).....

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never had a problem with them in all the times ive used them,and their stand at Inters is practically mobbed all day long

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Only ever been there in person - it's an absolute tip of a place, and stock control seems primitive to non-existant. Long trips into the stock room to find out if they have bits seems all part of the "experience"...


All that said, the guys I've dealt with have all been quite friendly & helpful.

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odd, I've never had a problem with them and they've always been reasonable on the phone with me... :|

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odd, I've never had a problem with them and they've always been reasonable on the phone with me... :|


me too, seemed nice guys to be honest.


that was a while ago I ordered anything from them, so things might have changed...

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