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erratic indicators

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Sometimes my indicators work and sometimes they don't. It started with my right indicator, when I turn it on, nothing happens, the dash light doesn't flash and the relay doesn't click. If I turn it off and on a few times it then decides to work. Now the left one has started not working.


What could it be? Am I right in thinking it isn't the fuse because they work sometimes? Is it the relay or the switch?


Please help because it's really annoying when I can't indicate and I hate people who don't indicate!


BTW not that it probably makes a difference but this in on my golf.

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I had this problem. My indicators would work for about 5-10 mins and then stop until the next day.


Went to VAG and replaced every fuse in the panel (they were all original), cost about £7.50!


Not sure if it was a fuse though because whilst I was down there I also pulled out all the relays and shoved em back in again. One was loose so it could be that.


Try unplugging the relays and making sure they're all in properly. After I did those two, they've worked all the time since then.

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would have thought it was a relay problem over a fuse problem, as fuses are quite digital (either they work or they don't)

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OK, now both indicators don't work much. Sometimes when I indicate nothing happens but then a bit later they turn themselves on. Also sometimes if I'm indicating left, the right lights flash.


Plus when I brake the lights that indicates the fogs are on comes on!


Do I just have some wierd connection thing going on?

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Any water leaks, both in the footwell area and in the boot?

Check all the connections to the back of the stalks and the back of the clocks.

Have you had anything apart recently?



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