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Boost Return Deletion Kits

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im just wondering where to get one from and how much they are? i quite fancy one seeing as it will eliminate the hot air returning back to the charger as well as a nice woosh on full throttle changes! 8)


i can see the PTFE lubrication spray on the g-werks website but not the kit itself :?


otherwise, has anyone ever thought or using the return side of the charger for an additional induction feed (say from the bumper grille) with a filter in place so that it draws cold air from both sides of the inlet?

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a few people have done the second inlet mod.


Just give Darren at G-werks a call and he will sort you out the boost return deletion kit.

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Hiya mate, emailed G-werks a few weeks since about this and still waiting. Hope you have more luck. Otherwise have a look on Ebay on the Corrado stuff as there's a bloke on there selling the kit for about £25.

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  Jay2 said:
Hiya mate, emailed G-werks a few weeks since about this and still waiting. Hope you have more luck. Otherwise have a look on Ebay on the Corrado stuff as there's a bloke on there selling the kit for about £25.


I will look into why your email hasn't been returned to you in the morning. It is usally easier to call us if possible as we get quite a few emails every day and there can be small delays in returns.


We have the kits in stock now though.

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Thanks mate, sent an email as I had the same question of not being able to find the kit on your website. Also info on postage along with the PTFE?


Look forward to your reply.




PS. I've heard that fitting the kit can lead to different results in terms of the noise, is this true Darren?

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