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Whats the point! CCGB

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Hold on a sec.


As far as this forum and CCGB are concerned, why dont they merge!!!!


Ive been told CCGB is coming back, but surely it makes sense and benefit to all, having these resources in the same place!




and too much pride is not a good thing.



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Well I think the CCGB's main beef (which I do understand) is that they would want their own moderators to be able to run their own forum if they had one.


But Andi has put all the time and effort into this place, and he wants to keep it as his forum with the moderators of his choosing.


I think for that reason alone, a simple merger is not possible.


It doesn't bother me though.. I use and enjoy both the eGroup and the forum. Its probably for the best that they keep seperate :)

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It's not a question of pride.


The CCGB is an official club, with memberships, subscriptions, AGM's, EGM's, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary etc etc.


This forum has none of that.


Do you want to have to pay to access the CCGB files section?


If we were to merge, what would happen to the overseas members of the forum? Would they have to pay for membership?


As far as I'm concerned, the club and the forum achieve different things. Personally, I have no interest in joining the official club as the forum caters for all my Corrado needs :)


Some people might want to attend the AGM's and get the Sprinter magazine and if they do, they join the CCGB - Simple :)


Keep the discussion sensible ;)

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And theres that aspect of it as well Tom. I did think about all that stuff but I couldn't be fecked to type it all up ;)

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Hello Dexter


I will try to answer your question as well as i know i can but other members might correct me.


Both the yahoo email group and forum are not tied with CCGB due to difficulties moderating the content and other legal problems that could happen.


Secondly the forum was started by Andi which in all due respect has worked well and from what I understand he likes to keep it in his control like what Jim said.


The yahoo email group was started by CCGB members which wanted away to be able to contact each other over emails.


As for the information stored in CCGB, Yahoo email list and this forum plus others and i hope no one takes offense to this but as far as im concern its all either come from members in the CCGB or vvvortex.com where most of the history behind corrado lies or some german/european webpages. People have then picked this up over the years and now are sharing it out through the forums to other people.


I myself have learnt everything i know about corrado's from CCGB mainly and some from vwvortex and other forums in germany etc and yes i do pass it over to you guys thorugh either this forum, email list or other forums but thats just me helping out others in need like ive been helped out before.


Also CCGB is not about a mag and AGM its about the people themselves and to only pay £15 which is a couple of drinks on a night out I dont even think its worth agrueing about.


I joined to be able to benefit from insurance discounts, parts discounts and of course the knowledge from the people in it but i got more. Its hard to explain but you meet people with the save love for a corrado but you can still go out on nights out and weekenders and have a laugh with them. Even at shows.


Yes i know CCGB has been quiet this year but this will soon change. Me personally ive gone through a few bad patches even down to that i had the car up for sale but alot of guys from the CCGB (being close friends of mine) talked to me about it and let me see a few options I had and now everything has worked out ok but atleast i get to keep the car.


Anyway enough about me going on but all i will say is CCGB is worth more than £15 a year and I have yet not found another club as good or better than them. In the end its a personal choice.



2.1 16v

ccgb 1372

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Well said Alex - I hope that both formats can survive as they both offer some thing different.

£15 for membership of the CCGB is a bargain even if you didn't didn't get every penny and more back in various discounts!

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Some good points Alex.


Just to emphasise though, that I wasn't attacking the CCGB for charging membership fees and I am sure that the club is more than just the AGM's and Sprinter mags - they were just two tangible examples that came to mind.


My point was more towards how it would be difficult to merge the two groups in that they serve differrent purposes and have different setups; mainly due to the CCGB being an actual members club.


Personally, I think that the best way to consolidate the Corrado owners would be the CCGB website as the front with links to documents and the forum, which could be used for all the discussion, meets, etc. That way, anyone that wants to join the formal club, could do and anyone, overseas members for example, simply looking for technical information etc could have easy access to it.


Furthermore, it would be great to incorporate a club VR6 side of things as well, seeing as though they aren't technically under the ClubGTI banner :)

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Vr6 i wasnt aiming my answer to yourself I though i would make my feelings over the merge as clear as i could and what the club is like behind the sence.


Hope i dont offend anyone as i have been known to not make myself clear over threads etc in the past, but thats just me lol :oops: :D

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Everyone has made valid points re the CCGB, the forum and every other Corrado related site.


I've now taken over the administration of the CCGB website and can only hope that those on the forum will offer their support. I understand we all have differing opinions but at the end of the day we're all here for one thing - the Corrado.


The last thing I want to do is step on anyone's toes!


Finally, can I say thanks to Andi for the work he's put in to both the CCGB site and the forum.



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Lemme know if you need any of the extra files I was sent during my site construction if you want them, Jamie.


And good luck.... :)

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Thanks Andi, anytyhing you got would be great. I think the plan to to lauch the site you have already drafted (or something on those lines).


Unfortunalty, i've never seen it :cry:


Did John Manyard give you my address?

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Well all I know, is if you got a Corrado, I'll have a drink with you any day of the month!


Thanks for the comment Alex, and sorry to anyone whose nearside wings I may have russled.


Now Im going to shut up, sit in the corner and cry :cry:



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:lol: :lol:


good to see its on the way to being sorted. shame to hear you blokes bickering about something that's supposed to be enjoyable.

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Hello Dexter


like i said before my comments are not aimed at anyone there just the best way i personally can answer questions. Again im sorry if its taken the wrong way but not very good with words :oops:


Everyone is always entitled to there own opinion hence why we all know best having a corrado lol :lol: only kidding


Anyway who cares about politics lol money what makes the money go round :twisted:


ill get my coat :roll:



2.1 16v

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