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Scorpion Alarm

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Hi Guys,


Whenever I turn on my Scorpion alarm, it make a noise and slight twitch on the central locking. Does this mean there is a setting that will make the alarm lock my doors as well? Would be a treat if it does!


Also, my remote is not working for the alarm, does anyone know a good replacement other than the £40 per remote option from Scorpion.


Many thanks in advance.



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The alarm fob not working is probably just a matter of it loosing its code. I've just had mine reprogrammed by scorpion. £24 for the pair or £12 each!


What model is the alarm? If it was dealer fit, most do have the option of central locking.



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£24 for reprogramming remotes? The instruction manuals with my Scorpion gives a button sequence to re-sync the remotes with the main unit.

Dex - stating the obvious but have you checked the battery?

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The instruction manuals with my Scorpion gives a button sequence to re-sync the remotes with the main unit.


Does it mention anything about synching the alarm with the central locking?

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The LED works and all! Its a 73 or 78 model me thinks?


I was pissed off one day and through the keys on the floor, with remote! And then didnt work.


So I guess next time Ive got a temper I'll take the remote off first :)


Thanks for you feedback Rob and Chris.



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I phoned Scorpion today. They said that it does do your central locking, but the relay goes after a few years. He said do I think its worth paying £90 quid to replace.


I think maybe, but theres always options. Does anyone know a s##t hot car alarm guy who knows about relays and where to find the components? Im sure maplins might pull up a suprise or too.



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Dex I gotta admire you for admitting it (actually I've been known to do that sort of thing myself on occasion :oops: )

Joe, No. That's not the case. The alarm control unit will either be wired to control the cent locking or it won't be - ie you'd have to lock the car with the key and set the alarm with the remote; this then typically arms an engine immobiliser and will sound the siren if the car is opened. Different alarms will give you different refinements and options - the more you pay the more you can have. The re-sync function is just a way to get the remote and the control unit to recognise each other if for example you have disconnected the battery rather than trashed the remote (sorry Dex :D )

£90 is outrageous

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one thing i've done on the scorpion fobs before is to knock the slider switch on the side so its not up or down, its sat in the middle instead. the fob lights up still but doesn't do anything to the car

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