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bonnet release cable

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i bought the corrado and it didnt have one fitted, (must have broke and was removed) ive bought a new one and i could get it to work the n/s release but havnt got a clue how it works the o/s release, (i think i have something missing), can one of you lot take a pic of yours so i can see where im going wrong??, heres what i mean:'


o/s behind charger, i know this is wrong is there something missing??


n/s i could get this to work if i bent the cable back and crimped it but how is it supposed to be done??


any help appreciated as i cant close the bonnet or i will be stuck.


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Yeah i think youre suppose to have a plastic bit on the end of the wire goes through the small loop the wire feeds through. Its tapered and can be tightened or loosened to adjust. look on ETKA

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Yes m8 you have bits missing.

Have a look in the Knowledge Base, Clutch & Timing Chains Pt2, near the end, there is a pic of "Bonnet Release Cable"

But you will still need to source the bits, either new or a wreck. Expect goof uses the same bits so should be loads around

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