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Removing Side Strips

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How many of you have done this? (could warrant a poll?)


I noticed the drivers side one on my G60 was beginning to lift off at the front and it crossed my mind to remove it completely.


Whats the best way to do this...and get rid of the kack that's left behind underneath :/


Can't decide whether to go for it or not....car is light grey metallic, I thought it might suit this as being one of the lighter colours where the stips are very noticable.

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pull em off. as long as the car hasnt been resprayed the paintwork underneither should be good. use a heatgun to loosen up the glue... then some sort of solvent to get the kack off there.. .but use one that wont bung up your paint. will look much better without the strips! 8)

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I'm gonna remove mine when I get round to it, never seem to have the time :(

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Munkay, use hot water from the kettle, thats how i did mine. i soaks the glue and softens everything up, then slowly pull the strips off in one long go. use pettrol to get rid of the crud with rag and a credit card.

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