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Rocky Gearchanges

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When I change gear (any gear up or down) the car kind of rocks back and forward at the biting point. It's not really bad but it is noticeable every time and annoying.


I've done some searches on the Forum, does this sound like the gearbox mounts? That was my best guess but I might be way off. Any ideas?


And if it is gearbox mounts how hard are they to replace? Does the whole gearbox need to be removed to do it? cos that is worrying me a bit!

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Do you mean you feel the engine move about, a sort of slackness?


Could be worn or broken front, rear engine mount or gearbox mount. Front mount is easy to do, rear & box mount are trickier. engine/box needs jacking up or supporting from above.

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Yeah that sounds about right. It could well be the engine moving about and that is whats making it feel like the car is rocking on the gear change.


I'll see if I can have a look at the engine and gear box mounts on the weekend. How would I tell if they need replacing? I mean if its not obvious that they are damaged, how should they look/feel?


BTW I like the red lights on your red C Andy T. I went for the red clear option with mine but I'm still not sure if they look right, bit too flashy/chavy!

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Rock the engine with your hands is one way. Or get someone to sit in the car with engine on, handbrake on, increase the revs and bring the clutch gradually in to bite, while you watch for engine movement. Should move about an inch or so but not by a huge amount. If it lifts alot, the front mount is worn or in two halves!


My C had the red lights on when I bought it, can't tell if they are made that way by hella, or have been tinted!

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My C had the red lights on when I bought it, can't tell if they are made that way by hella, or have been tinted!



99.9% sure they've been modded

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Thanks for the tip but i'm not that desperate to know! The finish is that good, must of been flatted & mopped by a bodyshop.

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