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Jim Bowen

Female Corrado Drivers

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Hi Inky, nice to have another lady Corrado owner on board, I sometimes think we are such a rare breed on this forum that maybe it scares others away, having said that I have put a few posts on here and have had nothing but really helpful information and tips. Without this forum I wouldn't have found my VR6 8)

yes they can be pretty helpful.....Henny was great with his advice on fitting my moonroof.....i think most men seem to think that women dont know one end of a dipstick to the other its nice to prove them wrong sometimes........IS YOUR VR6 FEMALE THEN? MY G60 IS DEFINATLY MALE! :wink:


Thanks also to Chubbybrown, I did get them to look at the battery drain but the battery was holding charge at that time, maybe an alarm fault. But it's now defunked again after 4 days! I have another posting ongoing from which I have had really helpful responses and learnt loads, so armed with new volt meter I will go to work and hopefully find the problem. Best of all it means I have to use the car more to keep her charged, not a bad excuse :lol:

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Moonroof? Told you I was new to this Corrado stuff...is that the alternative when the sunroof packs up?


I am thinking my VR6 may well be female because she is unpredictable and my husband has developed a sudden liking for fast cars (well this one anyway) that he never had before................................................. 8) so I guess my old Porsche was male cos he never had an interest in that, live and learn..........

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Moonroof? Told you I was new to this Corrado stuff...is that the alternative when the sunroof packs up?


I am thinking my VR6 may well be female because she is unpredictable and my husband has developed a sudden liking for fast cars (well this one anyway) that he never had before................................................. 8) so I guess my old Porsche was male cos he never had an interest in that, live and learn..........


In some cases yes the Moonroof is a good replacement......a lot of Raddos have sunroof problems ie: they don't work any more......mine worked fine but it had been scratched and an early vw passat has a glass sunroof which after a lot of careful juggling with roof linings etc is a perfect and I'd say better replacement......especially when the local scrap yard only charge you a tenner...(they had no idea what they go for!) Very hard to find.

My Raddo is definatly male cos he's very agressive!!!! Like most men when they try to race you and get left behind...ha ha!!

My hubby doesnt drive 'Bob' much probably because everytime he is out in a car..he has so many near misses witrh other idiot drivers..(well that's his opinion anyway) so I dont let him drive it much....he's got a mk2 golf 16v anyway and a beemer so doesnt need to use mine....and he leaves empty coke cans in the dash!!!! Men!!!!!


So if anyone out there needs a sunroof that just needs a re spray (its inca blue at moment) and one that works fine...mail me and let me know I will sell for a reasonable price....

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There are quite a few female corrado owners on here and there seem to be more signing up all the time now. We are still a very small minority though, cars in general are a blokes thing, I think.

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I'm sure that will come with what I've read, but have just treated her to a major service at a brilliant garage in Southampton and she has a clean pair of heels for a while (finger's crossed!)


If anyone lives in Southampton or surrounds and is looking for a garge who can set up a VR6 and do 'what they say they will and a bit more besides' at a reasonable price let me know and I'll happily pass on details. Mine came back a different car, but I have learnt that Corrados don't like being left in a garage for more than 4 days at a time as my battery is dead already again!




Are you coming to the Southern meet this weekend in Otterbourne? Only just up the road from you....



clicky here for details

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There are quite a few female corrado owners on here and there seem to be more signing up all the time now. We are still a very small minority though, cars in general are a blokes thing, I think.

Yes i know what you mean have had numerous blokes at the door asking for my husband to see if he wants to sell the Raddo!!! and when I say its mine they look at you like your some sort of freak as if to say what do you know about cars???? (probably more than they do actually!) :x

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If anyone lives in Southampton or surrounds and is looking for a garge who can set up a VR6 and do 'what they say they will and a bit more besides' at a reasonable price let me know and I'll happily pass on details.


...hmm, i'm in Southampton - can you PM the details as i'm curious as to whether it's the same place i use already or not?


...and to echo Toad, if you want to pop along and say hi a group of us are meeting at Otterbourne on Saturday afternoon.

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My Raddo is definatly male cos he's very agressive!!!!



:lol: ... I think mine must be female as she's a bit temperamental and hormonal at the moment.


We have decided to call her 'Daisy' because of the battery problem (still under investigation with Volt meter!) because some 'days' she starts and some days she won't :roll:


Thanks to jazzdevil and Toad for the invite this weekend, I have been following the thread for the 'meet, but we are away this weekend until Sunday so I'll miss it, sounds like it's going to be an awesome sight all those Corrados in formation :pirate: Let's hope it becomes a regular thing though as there seems to be loads of Corrados around here.


Have fun!

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