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Heater control bulb '93 VR6

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I appears that my heater control bulb has given up. Or could it be a fuse? Is this on a seperate fuse to the rest of the console or is it definately the bulb. Had a quick look and could not see it, do i have to completely strip down the controls?



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It'll be the bulb. I think it is housed in the centre control knob, carefully pull that off (you need to push the lug in at the bottom) and there is a little green plastic holder with the bulb in. It uses light pipes to illuminate the other bits which is why it isn't all that bright.

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Ok, i have replaced the bulb and still no luck. Also noticed that the ciggy lighter bulb is not illuminated either. All of the fuses are ok, can anyone help?



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I had this on my G60, valet light stopped working, so did the interior light and also the cig lighter and illuminating light. Its not always obvious that a fuse has blown, could be an hair line break. Have you changed the fuse yet?

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No not as yet. Although i am starting to think that there maybe a problem with the feed to the bulb as the actual heater works fine. Has anyone ever changed the heater controls. Looks simple enough, just remove and re-attach the cables?



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