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centre caps for borbet A's...please help!!!

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i have just bought a set of 17" borbet As, but they didnt come with centre caps... :(

and would look soooo much better with (as im sure most of you already know)

im quite new to the corrado 'world' and borbet As are certainly not my speciality so if anyone knows where i can get hold of some (preferabally the flat ones) then it would be much appreciated..thanks!

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i got the wheels from the person i bought the rado from..they had them in their garage..i needed to pump up the tyres on the car before i left and asked if they could lend me a tire pump..they pointed me in the direction of the garage and inside i saw the wheels stuffed in a corner..i asked if they wanted them or would sell them and to my surprise and they gave them to me for a VERY reasonable price which is why i took them without the centre caps..with a little tlc they will be ace..hopefully!! one is buckled bad though, and i doubt ill ever find just one spare!!!!????????

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