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Ash tray light.........

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I want to use the power from the Ashtray light (light is facked) to power a USB powered MP3 player that runs on 5v, i have the Cig adaptor with 5v USB on the end, i was planing to just take it apart and hook up the Ashtray light cables to it.................... Is it that simple? I have had a search but nothing to answer this question........



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this feed for the ashtray light will be 12v ,you need to reduce the voltage from 12 down too somewhere near 5volts a little over won't make any differance ,the cheapest way to do this is with a resistor from one of the big radio spares companies like "maplins or radio shack " don't wire 12v directly to your mp3 player it will just go bang



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The cig adapter will be fine, just connect the feed from the cig light to the input in the adapter

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