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Central locking

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I'm having trouble with my G60 at the moment. It doesn't seem to want to stay locked. I can lock it ok and all seems fine until I return when it is unlocked again. I've had the door panels off but cant find anything that could be causing it. Its completely random, as in it doesn't unlock every time but has started doing it more recently. Its screwing with my melon, and I'm at the point now where I think I need to take it to an expensive diagnostic bloke to sort out. Any ideas of what it could be would be greatly appreciated, especailly if it saves me some wedge.


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I had a look at them both and there was water in the connection. I dried them off and sprayed them and blocked the passage of water to them on both sides but the problem is still occuring. Maybe water is still finding its way in somewhere. Best have another look.


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Ok, now I'm confused.

Have been trying to diagnose the problem in the system and have been visiting the formula one shop in Brighton. The first thing to look at, he says, is the vacuum pump in the boot... oh... there isn't one.

Is my G60 the only one with electric central locking?

Starting to feel a bit special...

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it should be in a black foam container at the driver-side,behind the side carpet cover(assuming RHD).....if its not there then you probably have an aftermarket system fitted,which would be rather strange as C/L was a std feature on ALL C's

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