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LPG Corrado

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Someone on here had the nozzle fitting right beside the vw badge at the rear and colour coded it wasnt that easy to spot either.

As for fitting make sure they are LPGA approved and then its usually insured for no extra cost if they and and you have a certificate to prove so.

I always thought Propane had a high calorific value but equaled to around 90 octane(it is higher but hard to extract extra power)I could be wrong but I was in the business for around 15 years.

Theres a lot more garages around now that sell LPG failing that if you have a company or use a lot get your own tank and hand pump;usually 1200 litres or smaller in size and cheaper again,remember to factor in the tank rental,this of course depends on where you live.


For grant assisted conversions;

The powershift register is only for new cars and cars under 3 years old in scotland and must be on the register to benefit.


LPG is quite hard on the valve seats unsure if vw's are hardened enough to take constant lpg battering,Im sure they are hard for unleaded anyway?


Phats kit is worth that all day btw

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i had the filler cap moved on my missus golf country. it had been hacked into the rear panel, so I had the bodyshop weld it up and move it the the middle where the badge was. then stuck the badge to the filler cap. to the untrained eye you'd never notice.

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My dad's mate is qualified to convert cars to LPG - and is located in Brum if you're looking for someone to fit it.


Drop me a post if you're interested and i'll pass on his details



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i had the filler cap moved on my missus golf country. it had been hacked into the rear panel, so I had the bodyshop weld it up and move it the the middle where the badge was. then stuck the badge to the filler cap. to the untrained eye you'd never notice.


A class idea :!:

Just out of noseyness are the vw's valves hard enough to take it?

Other things to consider if using long term the water vapour given off naturally when its burnt tends to knacker exhausts quickly too.

Damn C3's great until you get a cold burn from it :(

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