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bump strips - aftermarket ones?

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can you get such a thing as a bump strip that goes along the seam just below the door handle? the reason i ask is i keep noticing little dents & scratches on that seam & it's really pxxsing me off! my car had the lower bump strips removed but i don't think they'd make a difference coz it's higher up the door that keeps getting hit! the annoying thing is i'm pretty sure it's my neighbours coz it's the only place where cars ever get near enough to hit mine! i'm sure the bxstards park as close as they possibly can! ideally i'd like something removeable, maybe magnetic coz it'll probably look shxt but i just want to protect my car! might have to start wrapping it in bubble wrap every night!



just thought, probs should be in exterior! soz mods, have mercy!

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googled ding defenders & you're right, they are hideous! cool video of malcolm in the middle though! (find his mam strangely attractive in an older woman sort of way!) anyway, don't think i'll bother with them, looks like i'll just have to bubble wrap the whole car!


saw a clip once of an alarm system when you stood next to the car it give a warning then shot flames out the side, can you actually buy them? that'll stop the twxts parking so close to my car!

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Or just dont take you Corrado to car parks


if i do take my car to car parks i park miles from everyone else, it's my neighbours who are doing the damage! don't have a garage so have to park outside my house. there's a bloke with a 306 estate & he has about 12 kids & they just sling the doors open & he insists on parking right next to me even though he doesn't even live on my street! i can feel my blood boiling again, think i need a lie down!

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the flames out the side of a car was a South African invention as an emergency thing for if you are car jacked, you cook the naughty bandit

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thought i had a set sorted but never came off, anyone else got a set for sale? need them by next weekend if poss?


put this post in the wrong place! doh!

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