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Cam Cover Gasket

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Hi all,


I need to change the cam cover gasket this weekend on my 1994 VR6,

can anyone give me any pointers on what to look out for or give me a link to where i can get a strip down diagram, as i have not got a service manual, so i am basically doing this blind :(



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Welcome to the forum,


Good manual to get is the Russek one - £6.49 from WHsmiths website - free delivery to localbranch


Bit of a job getting to it on a VR but not hard...


2-3 hours at a lazy pace...


(More if you have probs with rusty bolts etc, recomend Irwin Bolt grippers if you think you might have probs!)


Tip - PlugGas all the bolts a day of two in advance and also heat the engine up slightly before starting


1 - Leads out - you will need the plastic lead tool (should be on the bonnet stay or clipped to jack handle - if not buy the metal version from VW T10029)

2 - Next take off the cable guides - 3 splined bolts (will need a set of splines - halfords)

3 - Inlet manifold bolts - need at least 8mm hex key and pref. socket to undo these - some a bit tricky to get to so be careful not to round them! - worth buying a few new ones from VW or maybe getting some in stainless (M8x30 cap head)

4 - Throttle body bolts - same advice as above

5 - Revove vac pipe to inlet and lift off - maybe a few electrical plugs to move out the way...

6 - Now you should be able to the the RC - nuts or bolts to undo to release it depending on whether it's the plastic or metal version.

7 - Lightly oil new gasket to seal it and make sure the cover goes back on without snagging it (easy to do on a VR as they don't come flat)

8 - reverse of removal [/haynes]

9 - don't overtighten RC bolts - do them up in a sequence like a head gasket so it seals down well...

10 - maybe worth slapping some new plugs in at the same time, especially if the gasket was leaking oil all over them (10mm sparkplug socket needed - halfords)

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Yeah - probably made it sound more complicated than it is but worth making sure you have the correct tools before you start!


Do us a favour tho - can you update this with anything i've missed in the above then I will copy it into the knowledge base...

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Yeah not a problem, i am just in the middle of ordering that book so if there are any good tips in there that are usefull i will add them as well.



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