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Andy T

How to Reset Meta (and others?) Alarm/Immob.

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The other night my META CAT1 Alarm/Immob went haywire whilst unarming the immob after it had auto-armed. The alarm was going off, immobiliser was alarmed and it wouldn't respond to the remote fob at all.


I ended up calling the AA out, when the patrol arrived he'd never heard of META but he tried a reset procedure he knew of from other alarm systems, and after two minutes it was sorted.


The procedure is -


1) Press and hold down both fob buttons until fob LED stops flashing.

2) Press lower button once

3) Press upper button once

Indicators flash once, car can now be locked/unlocked as before.


This happened last week and the alarm/immob has been working fine ever since. The AA guy reckoned the system had gone 'out of sequence' for some reason. This procedure isn't in the META instruction/installation sheet that came with car either! Obviously it will only work on systems with a two button fob, might be worth writing this down and keeping it in the glovebox!

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