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Charger check

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I am new here and want to know if my charger is still good...

Here is one pic..



there is something ca. 2mm long..maybe someone know what is that?Is that normal?

Can i open my charger without problems to see how it looks from inside?



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Hey..i will tomorrow open them and post some pics..i hope that here is someone who can tell me if the charger is still in good condition.



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Here are some pics from inside...one side looks very nice..isn´t it?



But other not so good :(



Is this driveable charger or i must change them?or maybe still works with lower pressure?


@flusted...i am not from UK..i just want to know if the charger is good



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So what can i do with displacer? Can i repair them with welding or must i change them?


And one part on displacer don´t have seal..is that normal?



thx for reply

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The seal in the displacer has done the damage by becoming dislodged and exiting the unit. it will be in one of the boost pipes/intercooler on the car.


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