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Jim Bowen

Electric window doesn't close properly

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Righty... I've drilled all the rivets out of the door and the mech is loose, but I can't get it out... Currently the glass is taped closed.


The top of the mech won't come out of the top of the door, I can slide it back and forth, but not squeeze it out...


Anyone got any tips?

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Have you tried butter? Failing that I can swing by on the weekend with my semtex if you want? :onfire:

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Lol... Cheers!


Did get the mech out and a new one back in and TBH.... DON'T EVER TRY IT, BUY A NEW DOOR. You will thank me. :wink:

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is it really that bad?, i still not tried


i found getting the front wiper arms out from under scuttle hard enough :lol:

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It is doable.... but you have to bend the door slightly, and really give it some beans... I wasn't keen on it at all... and the window makes a funny noise as it raises now.


I might have just been doing it wrong, but there is very little space to play with in the door.

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Once the arms are pulled out of the window runners, they just flop around. They're geared to gether to make the window raise/lower level, but the plastic bit on the runner actually raises/lowers the window. It's the only bit connected to the motor/cable.

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my drivers one had the same problem, i took the door card off and watched it go up and down, there is like a scissor part which attaches to the alloy slider at the bottom of the window, one of the white plastic bushes had come off and was sitting in the door, luckily it slid back onto the alloy slider then clipped back onto the end of the scissor part, hope this helps

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i'm back on this subject again.


I've still not sorted this problem, mainly because its been so dry and i've not worried about it, but now the rain is here its causing me greif


i bought this bit, and just wondered if anyone can tell from looking if its suitable or not? Which is the bit that breaks and causes the fault?




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Yeah, that is the mech. It's worth popping the cover off the gearbox and chucking some grease in it.


Check the cables and that the arms move ok, and it looks like it should be ok for a while... You'll need to get the rivets put of the three rubber wounts though.

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Check the cables and that the arms move ok, and it looks like it should be ok for a while... You'll need to get the rivets put of the three rubber wounts though.


everything moves alright to me, is there a way of reinforcing the bit that breaks?


i recall someone saying its a piece of plastic that cracks and allows the cable to move?


anyone know what bit that is?


do i drill the rivets out? i did wonder what they were

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I've seen pictures on here of how to get the rivets out. I think you attack the end of the rivet with a drill till the washer gets hot and the rbber melts, you can then remove the washer and remains of the rivet, and glue the washer back on ready to re-rivet. Mine had threaded rod poked into them and nuts to hold it all to the door. seemed pretty solid.


The plastic ends break, or the cable snaps. All you can do is check the ends are in good condition, and clean/lube the cable.

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thanks very much, i couldn't see what was wrong with the one currentely in car, so i just bought that one.

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