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leather seats

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is it possible to dye leather seats a different colour, if so anybody done this without the dye coming off onto your clothes


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Sure it will be possible.


Id contact MJ interiors or someone like that and ask for sure.


It could be a job for the professionals..

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Its possible to dye seats a different colour but you can only go darker as the origonal colour is still there.

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Its possible to dye seats a different colour but you can only go darker as the origonal colour is still there.


have you had any experience with this, if so what products did you use

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The stuff i have seen used was on horse saddles, this stuff looks great though, and you can go lighter from what i can tell. Good find.

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i don't think you can go lighter but looks like you can get some good results with the repairer

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those results look amazing if that can be done in your garage?but pictures arent always exactly accurate, but still!

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