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A slightly different heater problem

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Typical, this kind of thing only happens at the coldest time of year!


When I set my heater controls to blow air up the windscreen, i get nothing, set at any other of the (working) positions it works fine, hot & cold air.


When I turn the dial to the windscreen setting I can hear the vents turn in the dash but just dont get any air at all.


Wonder if anyone has any clues as to what this could be, I REALLY dont want to have to rip the dash out :(


Oh and its late spec heater controls (3 dials)





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I'm guessing (even though you can hear the vents turn) that it's not opening properly.


Best thing to do - whack on the blowers and set to windscreen position, then close all the dash vents bar one. If you can feel air coming out then it's simply the flap not opening. Won't need the whole dash out, just the centre console which is fairly easy but just remenber where everything goes!!! :D

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Was it the flap that was wrong DaveVR6? As I've just had to take a drive over to a mates place in -8 conditions only to find I've now got the same problem! combined with a burst heater matrix and its been all fun and games for me tonight!!


I had to drive along, scrape and chamios ice off the inside off the window and avoid snow drifts and perilous conditions... won't be trying that again in a hurry! :wink:

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hi i just had this problem and i took off the passenger side underneath dash and where the little cogs were where it turns round to move to screen or vents etc one of the cogs had snapped, i was able to twist it with my hand so its just set on windscreen now. hope it helps

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