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My spoiler is possessed!

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Help guys, just noticed today when I was coming home that the spoiler on my rado is starting to resemble a space hopper.


It just keeps going up and down and up and down. sometimes it'll stay up for a while then drop other times it'll go up and straight back down again.


I've resorted to just raising it with the switch and leaving it up as the looks on drivers behind me is just too distracting! :lol:


Now apart from hosing it with holy water and screaming :evil: "The power of Christ compells you" :evil: at it anyone have any ideas where to start testing or looking to find out whats wrong. I'm assuming it could be a loose connection but I've not a clue where everything is situated in the car.


Thanks for any help.

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I agree I just replaced my distance sender as its called. Soughted the spoiler out. Around £30 from yr local stealer. Transducer is what it is so I was told.


My speedo needle was a hopin and a jumpin and the spoiler followed suit.

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had the same problem a year ago had been driving around London..stopping and starting at every jucnction....spoiler was like a yo-yo didnt know when to stay up or go down..even when i was driving normlly with no stops or starts it was going up and down...thought it was knackered but after a cooling off it went back to normal..very strange!!

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Well it could be one kind of water! Theres a leak at the back, someones taken a screw out from around the spoiler slider thing and water is collecting in the tailgate! Away to strip and clean the bloody thing!

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Don't suppose your speedo needle is being erratic too? had the same problem when my speed distance sensor on the top of the gear box stopped working.


Nope, my speedo is solid as a rock. might go and check the connections are clean though. maybe that'll fix it.


As for the water leak, the boot is now dry and every electrical connection has been cleaned inside the tailgate and guess what....


Not a bloody ounce of difference.


I've read so many posts on here about how folks spoilers work on the switch but not automatically but none like mine. Mine will sometime go up on its on over 50 but rarely. if I manually raise it and just click the switxch down a bit the spoiler starts working automatically again and goes banannas again!


With the weather getting warmer its behaving itself a bit more now... it'll stay up for at least a minute! then it'll retract and come back up and down again then up for a while and then down again then up and straight down... I think you get the picture!


Any clues folks?

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Check the earth connections in the tailgate. If they are corroded that could possibly cause the spoiler to do odd things

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I've already cleaned them up good and proper but I'll recheck them again. funny thing is the spoiler works just perfect on the switch so I assume its getting power. Has to be the signal to tell it what speed its doing.


I know there is a spoiler control unit in the dash somewhere, anyone got some pics of its location and if theres anyway to test it at all?

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