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FM transmitters

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Does anybody have any experience using FM transmitters to listen to mp3 players in a C? I was thinking of getting one but not sure if it would be worth it as the Corrado aerial isn't great. If anybody is getting good results can they recommend a device.

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I picked up a Belkin one last month to use with my iPod.. I've used it about 3 times and got fed up with the inconvenience of it already.


Things that specifically started to bug me are:


* you really have to break your concentration on the road to skip tracks, etc on the MP3 player as its not just 'within arms reach' like it is with the car head unit..


* quality varies quite a lot thanks to interference.. overall it was pretty good tbh but you have to really crank up the mp3 player AND the head unit volumes to hear it well.. this leads me onto my next point..


* You forget that you've turned up the volume on both so.. if you switch back to a CD on the headunit its a deafening volume - or if you plug headphones into your MP3 player, and you're not thinking about it, its at max volume and equally deafening!


* The cigarette lighter port on the Corrado is not really well placed for having power cords plugged into it - it interferes with gear change! You really have to thread the cable around and tuck it into gaps in the trim otherwise it makes gear changes a bit of an awkward affair!


Its not a DREADFUL piece of kit by any stretch of the imagination but.. its just made me want to get an MP3 player headunit more than ever before as its such a fiddle! You end up with cables all over the passenger seat, you have to reconnect and disconnect it all every time you get out of the car (for fear of it being burgled) - its just a general arse about!!

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Cheers, I'll save my £15 and put it towards another headunit and just keep stacking up mp3s on cd's in the meantime.

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