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rear quater recieves hit and run!!

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It appears some kind soul took it upon themselves to drive into my parked pride & joy of a VR and then sod off!! charmin! :x


Im only tpft aswell! the NS rear quater has been scraped down and slightly dented but the arch is in bits!! Also looks like it has been done before as there is a lot of filler that has been scraped off an the arch is pretty damn rotton underneath!! Not good!!


cant see how it could be fixed!? could this be the end!?!


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Not to knowledgeable on the old body shop kind of thing, however people do have new rear quarters put on after a smash. I'd imagine it wouldn't be cheap though and if fitted badly would look awful and stand out a mile. If you go down this route i'd take it to a reputable bodyshop who know what their doing.

I remember about 10 years ago looking at an H reg RS Turbo at a dealers with a sprayer friend and when walking up to the car he said "looks as though its had a new quarter that". Sure enough on inspection it had had a new rear quarter. Looked fine to me, but to someone in the know it didn't "sit right", and that was walking up to it!!

Food for thought really matey, but it is do-able. Good luck.

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I know on the Mk2 Golfs, it's possible to drill the welds out on the 1/4 and sit a new one on, hence it's a bit easier to get right... won't be cheap though mate, it takes a while.


But there again... a *good* bodyshop, depending on the extent of the damage, can tap a lot of it out, and kipper it up pretty well. A good tech can construct your rear arch from kinder-egg toys if you wanted :D


Good Luck Sam! Don't let the fat bitch sing just yet mate!


P.S. As an aside, if you've never really dealt with bodyshops before, keep in touch with them, and keep your eye on the price. Their 'quotations' generally rise by the end of the job, they're absolute buggers for it.

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mine has had a new rear quarter and it seems to have been done quite well. so as the guys above said, it can be done.


bad luck with the bump! hope you get it sorted soon


peace word up

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