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Are they adjustable or not on a 2.0l 16v ?? my bitting point is a little high these days so i donno if i need a new clutch (as i have never changed it in the 3 years of owning it) or just a matter of adjusting it somehow.




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Not adjustable to my knowledge. It is hydraulic and fed from the brake reservoir. It may help if you replace the fluid in both the brakes and clutch, by bleeding them.


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ok very confusing.......


one says no the other says yes..

Alex mate... can you tell me how you know thats a fact ???



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What sort of sound does the clutch make when self adjusting?


Is it like there is an empty water bottle being crushed under the clutch pedal? Because Ive looked and there is no water bottle, but it made a godawfull sound this afternoon when depressing the clutch and now I think the biting point is a little higher up the pedal.

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It's hydraulically operated, there is no adjustment. Bite point determined by condition of master/slave seals, fluid, wear in clutch plate and linkages

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Cheers Chris,


So the cracking plastic sound could be? seals giving way on the master cylinder? or am i talking out of my ar$e.


Im definatly not imagining things the biting point is higher than it was last week.

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I'm guessing here, but it happens on mine sometimes, the pedal will catch on part of the dash undertray. Makes a very nice cracking plasticky noise.

No idea why the bite point has changed though

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