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Losing water

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red_baron, can you see any signs of coolant spray anywhere in the engine bay? Ive just had a new rad fitted today after the old one was leaking. There was traces of coolant in the engine bay, which i might add is best wiped off asap as it rots the paint work.


None whatsoever... I have had issues in the past but at the moment there's nothing!


New cap's being fitted today so I'll run it tomorrow with fingers etc. crossed and see if it makes a difference.

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i had a golf vr6 that was loosing water when i bought it , it was loosing water from the electric water pump to the top right of the engine{the one which turns on after the car is turned off) , can't remember what its called :oops: apparently a common fault on vr6's i was told . it was a pain to fit had to take leads and engine cover off to get at it , so you may not see it from just lookin under bonnet . may beway off but its one to get someone to check .

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I think they call this the auxiliary water pump. Had the replaced last December when the chains were done.


I thought the carpets were ok but on closer inspection they are absolutely sodden. I've disconnected the heater pipes for now and joined them together with some copper tubing which will hopefully mean I can use the car without carrying round an emergancy supply of water!


Looking at other threads on the matrix it looks like it can be replaced without taking the dash out... 3 hours work apparently. Might take it to the garage that did my old FIAT Bravo matrix - 2 hours and £120!!

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