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Just bought my first Corrado

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It may be an H reg (1.8 16V) but it starts first time, goes like a dream and for some reason every time I get out of it I have a dirty great big s*** eating grin on my face (anyone else get that?).


Anyway as I only paid 950 for the car there are some problems and I thought I might ask the sage elders of the forum if they have any advice.


Firstly my rear window heater switch is a bit tetchy, it is quite happy to heat the window provided I am holding the switch in a half way between on and off position but refuses to do it when set to one of the two without my finger on it, is this easy to fix? I don't want to be ripping my dash to pieces to find that it will need a mechanic to fix it not some numpty with a tool box.

Also my rear window wiper does a good line in smearing but not in actually wiping can I just use a golf wiper on it?

As you might tell I am not the most technically adept person you might ever meet

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hi mate and welcome


get some pics up!!


the rear demister switch just put a wanted for a new on shouldnt cost much


rear wiper just get rid of it looks much better

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hi mate and welcome


get some pics up!!


the rear demister switch just put a wanted for a new on shouldnt cost much


rear wiper just get rid of it looks much better


Hello and thanks


I'll have to get some T cut and Alloy cleaner before I take the pics but I'll look to do that soon. I was thinking my switch mught just have a loose connection so might be fixable but if you a reckon a new is what is needed then you are bound to know more than me. Don't think I'll get rid of the wiper as I am trying to keep the car as near to standard as I can (well other than the whacking great set of 5 spokes that the last bloke put on it).

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Welcome to the forum!


As ben16v you should be able to just stick a new switch in and it hsould work and again i would also de-wiper it. I did mine a little while ago and it makes the back end look so much smoother imo and if you get some Rain-X the water will just fall off the glass :D





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Hi Jon_R


i agree with herisites, de-wiper the back cos it looks loads better. Ive done mine and it really doesnt make any difference to visibility etc. as it clears in no time at all when you get going.


I too must get some pics up soon... ive only had mine 2 months and i dont think i will be buying any other car apart from a rado again. Like you say, you get out smiling everyday and everyone loves em! :-)



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Welcome, switch should be an easy and cheap replacement just needs popped out.Rear wiper blade you can get anywhere and will make a good difference, but dewipering is an option and isn't hard to do. but if you want the standard look stick with it!!

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Welcome to the forum mate.


every time I get out of it I have a dirty great big s*** eating grin on my face (anyone else get that?).


Yep, remember it from the first time i ever sat in a Corrado, and still get it to this day mate.

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Hi ya, Welcome


I've had mine a week on saturday.


I'm totally hooked already


Happy motoring


Great aren't they, I'm going to be separated from my this weekend I am almost distraught about it.


Another photo of showing my fly skills of MS paint



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