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Fun on the dunes :-D

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Nice work, Chris 8) Looking forward to seeing this at some stage, when we eventually get a Bristol meet sorted!

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No doubt Cazza, its needs a bloody good clean and a day detialing, plus the day I drove it to my parents I noticed someone a bumped into my bumper and cracked the paint and left a some blue paint on mine - still I'm not letting it bother me, s**t happens and I'm in too much of a good mood to get on a downer about it, it needed blowing over anyway. Besides with me its about the go not the show, sleeper style!!

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Well done Chris!


Guess the chains are nice and quite then? or you can't hear them over the charger :)


Good work.


PS Bristol meet sounds good. Only down the road for me, if I ever get my car finished!

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Well I had a pretty eventful 24 hours, monday I went to college and back in my car no probs, but it started to develop a knocking sound. That evening I went out to do a job for someone and clunk! Air filter and maf came off - obviously from hitting the body and I ran them over!


Got up on Tues at half 5 and reshaped and fixed the air filter on less the MAF in order to get me to stealth. On the way there the bloody air filter came off again - my 4 month old front mount was totally shagged, so I pulled into an Asda I was passing and bought a couple of pairs of tights, and streched them over the inlet (Thanks to James for the idea!).


Managed to limp up to Stealth and fair play to Vince he got it all sorted for me, he opened up the carbon canister hole, fitted a Vibra front mount, red tops, sorted out my gear linkages (I had to drive there in fourth aswell!) and finally got me on the rollers at 4! We had to wait around untill half two for the MAF to turn up.


We started with a MAP he'd already done on a same spec Raddo. Bit of bad news is that my head gasket is going to need doing - I thought it was a healthy bit of sweating but Vince thought it looked a little worse than that, and said in order to carry out a full map he may of "finished it off". So in the end he only managed one power run and then tweaked it from there as it was chucking in too much fuel at the top end and ignition wasnt spot on. Bit dissapointing as I didnt get a full custom map and it means I'm going to have to do my head gasket - but managed 268.5 Bhp @ 6490, Vince said it'd be good for closer to if not 280, but wasnt going to risk killing my head gasket!

My tracking is a mile out aswell, so they had to spray the rollers with glue.

Its not too far off what I was hoping for and it certianly flies!! :D

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Went out for a good blast last night, which put a big smile on my face, had some twit in a 106 try to race me :lol:

Had a go at a 0-60 run, think I gave it a little too much at first as I was just spinning the wheels for a while! I'll have to work on that as I'm probably going to go and have a go on the pod (http://www.vwaction.co.uk) next month, anyone else planning on going?


Also I dont seem to be having any cold start issues - Vince said he'd put a mod into my map he'd been working on, I'll leave it a while though to give it a good test. I do have a problem with it stalling when coming to a hault when warm though, usually stopping from going fast.... anyone else have this problem?



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Nice to see another Rado getting sorted. Mines just in to have the head gasket done also. It was slowly going before the charger went on and the charger just speeded it up. I didnt want to risk it going completly bang so I put it in as soon as I could. Im also getting a new belt put on as when the charger went on we didnt realise it was rubbing on the fuel rail and the belt became worn - hence the belt slip. Having said that, the figure I got from him with the belt slip and the head gasket going and (as we found out ) the chain tensioner being fooked were fab. He was running at 284bhp and 261.7 lbft which Id say wasnt bad.


I havent got a vortech though Ive got a stage 2 Z-engineering. When I had it mapped Wayne at chipwizards set it up, allowing for the belt slip, so all I need to do is put the new belt on. He reckoned it would be around the 300bhp mark when it went on.


My rado should be back tomorrow, if not saturday so I'll soon have it on another power run to see what the finished result is.


Sorry, didnt mean to go on. Great to see so much work having gone into another rado.


Well done

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Thanks for the comments. The cold start mod is working a treat, idle is smooth and no stalling which is nice, still stalling when coming to a hault occasionally though.. Vince rang me end of the week see how I was getting on and when I mentioned it to him he suggested opening up the throttle alittle whilst pluged into VAG-COM, to take some of the strain off the ISV, will give it a go next weekend.


My head gasket will last untill the end of the year, fingers crossed (well september) then I'll pull the engine apart, re-hone the bore's, new set of rings, fit a spacer in the head gasket and go with a smaller pulley and water injection, it's bad but I'm already thinking about more power! :twisted:


I've got some RS4's (17's)to go on over next few weeks (being refurb'ed at the moment), will try and get some exterior shots up then.

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You've done really well. I had you in the back of my mind as having bought that 'charger just around the New Year, because that's when I got mine. I still haven't had mine fitted, although it is booked in with Vince now, to get the whole thing done. Regretably, I don't possess the courage/knowhow or tools to strip down my engine and do the work myself, so the 'charger is being fitted for me, along with back to standard cams, Aquamist and an oil cooler.


Should see you at the Bristol meet on the weekend anyway. Very keen to see the beast then. Will give me an idea about what mine will be like. :D

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I had to go and pick up my girlfriend up from work today, and as I got there 15mins early, I thought sod it, lets have a look at the ABS fault - lights been on permenately now for 2 months. I dropped the cover under the glovebox and yanked out the fuses, cleaned them up, popped them back in and bingo!!

All ok!

Quickest and cheapest repair ever on my raddo. Well pleased.

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everythings coming up smelling of roses :)


good work fella!

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Well almost - I have just run through an insurance quote with HIC... :(

There is a bit more of a jump in my insurance than I had bargained for!!

I turn 24 at the end of may which brings the price down somewhat so will wait till then till re-newing. I'll give brentacre a try tommorrow.

Not using car now!

(Awaiting abuse for not sorting out insurance already/before hand)

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I have to ring Adrian Flux tomorrow, hopefully that will go OK :-/


has it gone up a lot then?


I couldn't even get insured from anywhere I spoke to before I was 25 on my VR

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Best so far + 150% !!!!

I just tried Adrian Flux, but the lady on the phone said the modified department was busy, and to try in the morning.


Its about the same as I was paying for my Mk1 Cabby when I was 19, and I earn more now so it's not too bad really, easy to see why people dont bother declaring thier mods!!

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Thats my only quote so far, and a few others on here dont seem to have had such a massive increase - but then they are in their thirtys and I'm 23..

It just sounds like I'm asking for trouble, them: "So you're 23, male, drive a 2.9 litre engined car and want to supercharge it.... ok"

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I have to ring Adrian Flux tomorrow, hopefully that will go OK :-/


has it gone up a lot then?


I couldn't even get insured from anywhere I spoke to before I was 25 on my VR


mine went up £200 with the charger on with adrain flux. They do ask how much extra bhp its getting so I guess ill need to update them soon.

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when I get this turbo sorted I'm telling them 250 I think, you'd have to RR it to know any different.


I was imagining around £200ish

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