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Jim Bowen

Pics of handbrakes

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I have found that the plastic cover on the actual lever part of handbrake has come lose and won't go back on properly, feels really cheapy.


is there any alternatives to it?


can you fit a leather gaitor?


pics please would be appreciated

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Beware that you will need to chop up your center console a bit to get it to fit

properly or else it will just look like it doesn't belong there.


I got mine a while ago but I'm still in the middle of fitting it (been lazy). I can post up some pics if you guys need a hand. Other than that I think it's a great mod to do, the leather they sell seems good quality too, it has a good feel to it :lol:

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Beware that you will need to chop up your center console a bit to get it to fit properly or else it will just look like it doesn't belong there.

Whoops - I wasn't aware of that. Oh well, it's on its way now so I'll soon be chopping away :D

If you discover any dos and don'ts during fitting yours I'd be grateful to hear about it.





P.S. If anybody reading has a good original black shifter knob or a leftt side door speaker grille, I'm looking for those.


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I'm waiting for the weather to go back to normal until I start experimenting again. It's pretty unpredictable here so it's hard to tell.


I came to the conclusion that it's best to chop up these two parts:

-center console support (pictured)

-e-brake cover (trim on both sides until it easily slides into the e-brake console but be careful not to over trim until there's nothing left to hold it's upper part to the bottom part) - You'll see when you look at it, it will be pretty close. Basically you need enough clearance so that the leather will slide easily when wrapped around it.

This is the path I took as I want it to look flat on top of the e-brake tunnel rather than look all loose as if it wasn't meant to be there originally.


This pics shows how I hacked the e-brake console support in order for the leather not to crumple up and push up and give it an unnatural look at the top. Yes it sounds dumb explaining it but I wanted it to look factory.

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Thanks cata - much appreciated!


That's a fair bit of hacking for a handbrake cover. I want mine to look like it belongs there too. Generally I like the interior and exterior to be as original as possible, but I make an exception for a proper steering wheel, rims, and a slight drop. And now the handbrake...


I look forward to doing somehing about this; a dog has chewn on the handle, and the plastic top-cover bit is broken and keep falling off. It's in a very sorry state. I think there's a real Corrado pampering summer coming on. :)


So to add to my P.S. above, I also need the plastic handle and knob for the handbrake....




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Yep, the leather slides over the handle and the trimmed handbrake cover. It's actually good that you handbrake cover is fekked because you won't find it hard to trim it down. Mine doesn't stay in place well either so I'm planning to duct tape it in to place with strong tape and then when I get the right fit, put some glue on it so that the leather stays in one place.


It's not a big deal if you hack up the under side of the e-brake console because no one will ever see it. The upper part will stay intact.

If you want to see for yourself why you need to hack it up, be careful when you test fit the leather as it scratches easily and is very stubborn to fit in there. Nothing a little shoe die won't fix though :)

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i got one of those...and fitted it with no choppin in about 10 mins ....just a bit of trimmin the gaitor itself luvly jubbly.

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I guess trimming the bottom of the gaiter would work just as well :scratch:

but the I don't see how you can get away without chopping up the e-brake top cover.

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The original style gearknobs are still available from the Stealers for about £20.


You can also still get the original leather handbrake handles as well from the stealers, but need to be ordered from Germany for you.


Yep, also bought a leather handbrake cover, still pondering on the best way to fit it, as my handbrake is slightly wonky. :roll:

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